
onsdag 23 oktober 2013
Posted by Unknown
Now you be like, Education.. what does that help my Health, well then I will tell you something.

Here’s a lesson: Going to school (and especially graduating) does a body good. In the recent issue ofGoverning, Penelope Lemov reports that “the higher your degree, the healthier you are.” Statistics show that as people climb the academic ladder their reported level of health increases significantly. This assessment comes from research findings analyzed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which looked at education and health statistics in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. There are staggering health differences among those who do or don't graduate from high school and those who have dropped out or finished college—which is great news for those with college diplomas, but quite troubling for those without. Lemov writes:
The most discouraging part of the report is its implication for children. Undereducated parents tend to be poor and to rear their children in households with limited access to grocery stores that carry fresh fruits and vegetables; to live in less safe housing; to have insufficient access to safe places to exercise—all of which affect a family’s health. “For the first time in our history, we are raising a generation of children that may live shorter, sicker lives than their parents,” says Dennis Rivera, a commissioner of RWJF’s Commission to Build a Healthier America.

That's Great Huh also! Education - Money - Money = good food ;D

For all Gaming Teenagers Out there.

måndag 14 oktober 2013
Posted by Unknown
I know by fact that people could sit in the same chair, 10hours+ A day Playing Video games.
What I recommend you to do, After 15minutes just stand up or do some exerciseses -  Pushups what ever.. Do something else, I recommed it.. if not you will be like a stone and won't be a** to move :)

-Short tips but useful.

Basics in Health

måndag 30 september 2013
Posted by Unknown
Health isn't simple.. but to make it simple for everyone out there.
*Eat good (Right food, not bad good - Candy etc)
*Train (When I say train you don't have to run like 5 hrs a day, just go out and walk and.. just do something)
*Be social.

They usually connect pretty good with each other, enjoy a long healthy life!


Strength Training

lördag 21 september 2013
Posted by Unknown
Strength training is a vital part of abalanced exercise routine that includesaerobic 
activity and flexibility exercises.
Regular aerobic exercise, such as running or using a stationarybike,
makes your muscles use oxygen more efficiently andstrengthens your 
heart and lungs. When you strength train withweights,
you're using your muscles to work against the extrapounds 
(this concept is called resistance).
This strengthens andincreases the amount of muscle mass
in your body by makingyour muscles work harder than they're used to.
Most people who work out with weights typically
 use twodifferent kinds: free weights (including barbells, dumbbells, andhand weights) 
and weight machines. Free weights usually worka group of muscles 
at the same time; weight machines typicallyare designed to help you isolate and 
work on a specific muscle.
Most gyms or weight rooms set up their machines in a circuit,
orgroup, of exercises that you perform to strengthen differentgroups of muscles.
People can also use resistance bands and even their own 
bodyweight (as in pushups, sit-ups, or body weight squats) forstrength training.
Many people tend to lump all types of weightlifting together, butthere's a
 big difference between strength training, powerlifting,and competitive bodybuilding!
Strength training uses resistance methods like free weights,weight 
machines, resistance bands, or a person's own weight tobuild muscles 
and strength. Olympic lifting, or powerlifting, whichpeople often think of 
when they think of weightlifting,concentrates on how much weight a 
person can lift at one time.Competitive bodybuilding involves 
evaluating muscle definitionand symmetry, as well as size.
Powerlifting, competitive weightlifting, and bodybuilding are 
notrecommended for teens who are still maturing. That's becausethese
 types of activity can cause serious injuries to growingbones, muscles, and joints.

Getting Started

If you're a guy and you've started puberty, your body will 
havebegun making the hormones necessary to help build muscle inresponse
 to weight training. If you haven't started puberty, oryou're a girl, you'll 
still be able to get stronger - you just won'tsee your muscles getting much bigger.
Before you start strength training, you should be checked out
 byyour doctor to make sure it's safe for you to lift weights. And toreduce
 the risk of injury, it’s important to learn proper techniqueand to be adequately supervised.
Any time you start a new sport or activity, start out slowly so thatyour
 body gets used to the increase in activity. It’s a good idea toinitially perform
 the exercise without any weight to make sureyou're using
 the proper technique.
Once you've mastered thetechnique, you can gradually add weight 
as long as you cancomfortably perform the exercise for 8 to 15 repetitions.
Before you begin any type of strength training routine, get 
someguidance and expert advice. Many trainers who work at 
schools,gyms, and in weight rooms are knowledgeable about 
strengthtraining, but it's best to get advice from someone who is acertified
 fitness expert and experienced working with teens.
When lifting weights - either freeweights or on a machine - 
makesure that there's alwayssomeone nearby to supervise,or spot, you.
This person, calleda spotter, encourages you andalso can act as your coach,telling 
you if you're not
doing aparticular exercise correctly.
Having a spotter nearby isparticularly important whenusing free
 weights. Evensomeone in great shapesometimes just can't make thatlast rep.
 It's no big deal if you'redoing biceps curls; all you'll haveto do is drop the weight 
ontothe floor. But if you're in the middle of a bench press - a chestexercise where
 you're lying on a bench and pushing a loadedbarbell away from your chest - it's
 easy to become trapped undera heavy weight. A spotter can keep you from dropping
 the barbellonto your chest.
Many schools offer weight or circuit training as units in their 
gymclasses. Check to see if you can sign up. Don't be afraid to
ask forpointers and tips about how much weight to start with and howto develop a routine.

Some Important Precautions

You may love the challenge of lifting, especially if you and your friends do it together. You'll definitely see results over a few months in your ability to progressively lift more weight. But there are a few things to look out for.
Because your bones, joints, muscles, and tendons are still growing and developing, it's easy to injure them. When you're in the middle of a strength-training session and something doesn't feel right to you, you feel pain, or if you hear or feel a "pop" during a workout, stop what you're doing and have a doctor check it out before you resume training. It's possible you may need to modify your training or even stop lifting weights for a while to allow the injury to heal.
Another danger surrounding strength training is the use of anabolic steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs and preparations that supposedly help muscles develop. Steroid use is widespread in many sports — including football, swimming, biking, track and field, and baseball. But because many of their long-term effects on the body are still unknown (and because they're linked to health problems like cancer, heart disease, and sterility), resist the urge to try them. The benefit is definitely not worth the risk!

What's a Healthy Routine?

If you take a few minutes to watch the guys and girls lift weights at your school, you'll see there are lots of different ways to train with weights. Try a few good basic routines that you can modify as you start to train harder later on.
If you're just starting out in the weight room, warm up for at least 5-10 minutes with aerobic activity and dynamic stretching and cool down with less intense activity and static stretching. For best results, do strength exercises for at least 20-30 minutes 2 or 3 days per week, allowing at least a day off between sessions. Work the major muscle groups of your upper and lower body and your core.
You can use many different exercises for each body part, but the basics — like biceps curls, overhead presses, and squats — are great to start with. Learn proper technique first, without any added weight. Perform three sets of 8-15 repetitions (or reps) of each exercise, starting out with a light weight to warm up and increasing the weight slightly with the second and third sets, if you can do it. (Add more weight only after you can successfully perform 8-15 repetitions in good form.) Perform two or three different exercises for each body part to make sure you work each muscle in the group effectively.
Here are some basic rules to follow in strength training:
  1. Start with body weight exercises for a few weeks (such as sit-ups, pushups, and squats) before using weights.
  2. Work out with weights about three times a week. Avoid weight training on back-to-back days.
  3. Warm up for 5-10 minutes before each session.
  4. Work more reps; avoid maximum lifts. (A coach or teacher can give you specifics based on your needs.)
  5. Ensure you're using proper technique through supervision. Improper technique may result in injuries, particularly in the shoulder and back.
  6. Cool down for 5-10 minutes after each session, stretching the muscles you worked out.
Don't rely on strength training as your only form of exercise. You still need to get your heart and lungs working harder by doing aerobic exercise, such as running, biking, or swimming. Doctors recommend at least an hour a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity — so on days when you're not lifting weights, you may want to get more aerobic activity. Also, be sure you're drinking plenty of fluids and eating a healthy diet.
Strength training is a great way to improve strength, endurance, and muscle tone. But remember to start slowly, use proper form, avoid heavy weights, and increase workouts gradually to prevent injury. Just a few sessions a week will really pay off — besides better muscle tone and definition, you may find that you have more energy, focus, and performance in both sports and school.
Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
Date reviewed: August 2013


13 Random Health Fact, you didn't know about!

onsdag 4 september 2013
Posted by Unknown
1) Motorists who talk on cell phones are more impaired than drunk drivers with blood-alcohol levels exceeding .08.
2) Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.
3) In some parts of the world, they protect their babies from disease by bathing them in beer.
4) The word 'gymnasium' comes from the Greek word gymnazein, which means 'to exercise naked.'
5) There are more than 1,000 chemicals in a cup of coffee; of these, only 26 have been tested, and half caused cancer in rats.
6) The average American eats at McDonalds more than 1,800 times in his/her life.
7) There are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people in the world.
8) According to U.S. FDA standards, 1 cup of orange juice is allowed to contain 10 fruit fly eggs, but only 2 maggots.
9) You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.
10) It is possible to go blind from smoking too heavily.
11) Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.
12) You are about 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening.
13) During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food — that's the weight of about 6 elephants.

Scary Health Facts

  • It's not just coughs and sneezes that spread diseases. One single bacteria cell can multiply to become more than 8 million cells in less than 24 hours. Just imagine what's on the toilet door handle you just touched, the taps and even on other people's hands...
  • Flies can't eat solid food. They vomit on food to make it soft before sucking it back up. Flies will eat anything from poo, to your roast dinner. Speaking of poo, a typical bowel movement can contain up to 100 billion potentially disease-causing organisms some of which end up in the air and on the toilet even after flushing - even if the lid is put down. When you're cleaning special attention should be paid to anything likely to be touched or contaminated with feces. This includes lavatory seats, flush handles, door handles, wash basins, taps, floors, tiling, light switches, potties, baby-changing mats etc.
  • Airborn - Different viruses cause the common cold and flu, but both are spread through the air in tiny droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or breathes. When you sneeze your body is getting rid of infected cells and an average sneeze will spread over 100,000 virus cells up to 30 feet. And, in case you were wondering, people suffering from a cold can spread the virus from two days before the symptoms of the illness start and up to four days afterwards. On average, adults catch two to three colds each year. School-age children can have twelve or more colds in a year.
  • Do not use eyeshadow if you have an eye infection as this will aggravate the problem. You could also pass the bacteria on to the eyeshadow with the applicator or your finger. And pay attention to how those suave mall makeup artists apply their products on your face. You don't want to get used tools. Which reminds us, never use lipstick if you have a cold sore, it will aggrivate the cold sore but, more importantly, the infection will be on the lipstick and you could re-infect your mouth. Ok, one more thing, never share mascara as this is the most common way to pass on eye infections such as conjunctivitis.
  • The wart virus is very contagious. The skin cells on the warts release thousands of viruses and touching the wart or skin cells on it releases the virus, which can then infect others. Similarly, 6-9 million Americans have toenail fungus. Protect your feet by keeping them clean and dry. Furthermore, a tiny flake of infected skin from a person with athlete's foot can fall off whilst showering. It may then be trodden on by others who can then develop the infection. Once a small patch of infection develops it typically spreads along the skin.
  • High heels over 1.5 inches could lead to broken and twisted ankles as well as knee and backstrain. Pointed shoes could lead to bunions and hammer toes.
  • Don't neglect your beard. If you do it will smell like a sweaty armpit. Dirty beards harbour the same smelly bacteria that live in smelly armpits. Human beards that aren't regularly maintained or groomed create the perfect environment for human lice.
  • Make sure you brush and floss your teeth twice a day to avoid plaque. Plaque produces smelly gasses and bacteria which lead to bad breath and gum disease.

More Enlightening Health Facts:

  • Medical researchers contend that no disease ever identified has been completely eradicated.
  • The attachment of the human skin to muscles is what causes dimples.
  • No one seems to know why people blush.
  • In 1972, a group of scientists reported that you could cure the common cold by freezing the big toe.
  • The number one cause of blindness in the United States is diabetes.
  • The adult human heart weighs about ten ounces.
  • People who laugh a lot are much healthier than those who don't. Dr. Lee Berk at the Loma Linda School of Public Health in California found that laughing lowers levels of stress hormones, and strengthens the immune system. Six-year-olds have it best - they laugh an average of 300 times a day. Adults only laugh 15 to 100 times a day.
  • People who have a tough time handling the stress of money woes are twice as likely to develop severe gum disease, a new study finds.
  • Between 25% to 33% of the population sneeze when they are exposed to light.
  • Of the 206 bones in the average human adult's body, 106 are in the hands and feet. (54 in the hands and 52 in the feet)
  • In 1815 French chemist Michael Eugene Chevreul realized the first link between diabetes and sugar metabolism when he discovered that the urine of a diabetic was identical to grape sugar.
  • Approximately 16 Canadians have their appendices removed, when not required, every day.
  • Sumerians (from 5000 BC) thought that the liver made blood and the heart was the center of thought.
  • Men have more blood than women. 1.5 gallons for men versus 0.875 gallons for women.
  • The first Band-Aid Brand Adhesive Bandages were three inches wide and eighteen inches long. You made your own bandage by cutting off as much as you needed.
  • The human brain stops growing at the age of 18.
  • In 1977, a 13 year old child found a tooth growing out of his left foot.
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 18 million courses of antibiotics are prescribed for the common cold in the United States per year. Research shows that colds are caused by viruses. 50 million unnecessary antibiotics are prescribed for viral respiratory infections.
  • It takes an interaction of 72 different muscles to produce human speech.
  • The first known heart medicine was discovered in an English garden. In 1799, physician John Ferriar noted the effect of dried leaves of the common plant, digitalis purpurea, on heart action. Still used in heart medications, digitalis slows the pulse and increases the force of heart contractions and the amount of blood pumped per heartbeat.
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